IFC and community partners host latino vaccine event

February 15, 2021— Andrea Smith and David Moore of the International Friendship Center partnered with staff members and volunteers from the IFC Latina Women’s Initiative, the Community Care Clinic, Vecinos Farm Workers Health Program, the Macon County EMS, Cashiers EMS, the Macon County Health Department, the Highlands-Cashiers Health Foundation and others to make the first Latino vaccine event a success.

The group planned for 30 vaccines to be administered, but completed 33 at the February 14 event. They plan to accommodate up to 100 vaccinations per event moving forward. With the state moving to Phase 3 in a bit over one week, they will quickly assemble the team and supplies needed to host the next event for our Latino neighbors.

The group’s focus is on outreach, including word of mouth, meetings with community leaders and employers, as well as social media attention.

A special thank you to Old Edwards Inn for providing the event space.

For more information about the Covid-19 vaccination effort in the Highlands, Franklin, and Cashiers area, click here. Para más información, llamando al 828-526-0890.


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