hitting the skatepark
Tyrie Smith Tyrie Smith

hitting the skatepark

Come Skate Day was held at the Highlands Skate Park at the Rec. Center on Saturday, August 27. Over 50 skateboards and helmets were distributed to underserved youth from across Western North Carolina.

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Groupo de Mujeres at the Bascom
Tyrie Smith Tyrie Smith

Groupo de Mujeres at the Bascom

The International Friendship Center Women's group spent a fun afternoon at the Bascom with Frank Vickey, Director of Ceramics at the Bascom, creating their own individually inspired ceramic creations.

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Día del Niño a success!
Tyrie Smith Tyrie Smith

Día del Niño a success!

June 4th was IFC’s Día del Niño celebration. With help from our partners at Big Brothers, Big Sisters and Boys and Girls Club, we celebrated the joy and wonder of childhood with our Hispanic communities on the plateau.

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ELL Classes in cashiers!
Tyrie Smith Tyrie Smith

ELL Classes in cashiers!

Non-English speakers in Jackson County are getting an education in language and literacy thanks to a partnership between the International Friendship Center and the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd in Cashiers.

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hispanic heritage month
Tyrie Smith Tyrie Smith

hispanic heritage month

The IFC’s Andrea Smith and Karla Magaña-Almanza are featured in The Highlander in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, September 23, 2021.

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IFC Receives Dahlia festival Award
Tyrie Smith Tyrie Smith

IFC Receives Dahlia festival Award

On Saturday and Sunday, September 11-12, Highlands became the backdrop for beautiful vignettes of dahlias and native plants. During the 11th annual Dazzling Dahlia Festival, hosted by the Highlands Historical Society, members of the public were encouraged to vote for their favorite display. There were 27 displays, and the International Friendship Center’s entry, "From the Mountains of Mexico to Main Street", was selected as Second Runner Up. Our entry was designed by board member Joyce Fleming and was displayed at Town Square on Main Street.

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Tyrie Smith Tyrie Smith


Nearly one in five people in Jackson and Macon counties fall beneath the poverty line, and one in four children in Western North Carolina face hunger on a regular basis.

On September 25, please join the International Friendship Center's Highlands Food Pantry and Highlands First Presbyterian Church, as we host the 11th Annual Empty Bowls event to fight hunger in our community. Now more than ever, we need your help to keep our neighbors from having empty bowls on their tables.

Due to Covid-19 precautions and in an effort to keep our volunteers and supporters healthy, Empty Bowls will be a drive-thru event. We are looking forward to safely offering handmade ceramic bowls and delicious soups and dessert donated by our favorite local chefs and restaurants to all attendees.

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Another successful covid-19 Vaccine Clinic
Tyrie Smith Tyrie Smith

Another successful covid-19 Vaccine Clinic

Community partners and The Highlands-Cashiers Plateau Covid-19 Vaccination Initiative hosted a 4th Vaccine Clinic on Sunday and together we served more than 140 of our Latino neighbors.

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Marty Rosenfield retires as director of the food pantry
Tyrie Smith Tyrie Smith

Marty Rosenfield retires as director of the food pantry

The International Friendship Center in Highlands, North Carolina, announces Marty Rosenfield’s retirement as the Director of the Highlands Food Pantry. We are grateful for Marty's unwavering dedication for the past five years, giving many hours of service in order to serve those in our community who have been in need.

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IFC and community partners host latino vaccine event
Tyrie Smith Tyrie Smith

IFC and community partners host latino vaccine event

Andrea Smith and David Moore of the International Friendship Center partnered with staff members and volunteers from the IFC Latina Women’s Initiative, the Community Care Clinic, Vecinos Farm Workers Health Program, the Macon County EMS, Cashiers EMS, the Macon County Health Department, the Highlands-Cashiers Health Foundation and others to make the first Latino vaccine event a success.

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Combatiendo la inseguridad alimentaria
Tyrie Smith Tyrie Smith

Combatiendo la inseguridad alimentaria

En Highlands, Carolina del Norte, una organización local está haciendo una gran diferencia y esfuerzo en su comunidad. El International Friendship Center (IFC por su siglas en inglés) es una organización sin fines de lucro que atiende las comunidades de Franklin, Highlands y Cashiers en Carolina del Norte.

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Planting Seeds of Love Against Food Insecurity
Tyrie Smith Tyrie Smith

Planting Seeds of Love Against Food Insecurity

"Our goal is to assist those who step forward and ask for help, not to question their need and to treat those individuals with respect and dignity," says director of the Highlands Food Pantry, Marty Rosenfield.

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the impact of covid on area food banks
Tyrie Smith Tyrie Smith

the impact of covid on area food banks

Highlands food pantries have seen a rise in demand for their services as a result of the Covid-19 epidemic. This article in Plateau Daily News highlights new strategies for stocking food and methods of distribution now required to adjust to the crisis.

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black lives matter
Tyrie Smith Tyrie Smith

black lives matter

The International Friendship Center joins in solidarity with activists around the world who demand justice for all Black people who have faced discrimination and violence…

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